after a week away (four days in turks and three in dallas for work),
i came home and found some ugly bananas on my counter.
i broke habit, and rather than turning them into my favorite banana bread,
tried out this banana cake recipe for something different.
nico will be getting the "monkey cake" for his first birthday,
(i love how the mini version is for the toddler to get creative with)
but for now deb's recipe was used just for the cake part.
i adjusted portions to make just enough for one springform bundt,
used two large bananas instead of one, and in the spirit of the tropics,
added a good amount of turks & caicos bambarra rum to the batter.
the ingredients are very similar to the bread (same amount of sugar, for example)
but the bit of extra butter and the extra egg made the cake much lighter, and fluffier.
also, as i'm writing this i'm realizing that i should really turn this thing into a
banana rum cake, and perk it up with some bambarra glaze.
this edit will be happening tonight.